Patient 1

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20 year old Asian woman wished to have a double crease to make her eyes look more open, to give her more room to apply eye makeup, and to look more like other members of her family.
Patient 2

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This 34 year old Asian woman wanted to have a suture technique to make a double lid crease. She wanted her eyes to look more open and to have more room to apply her eye makeup, but she wanted a minimal and very natural-looking result.
Patient 3

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This 26 year-old Asian woman wanted to have a double eyelid crease created on the right side, and she wanted the left sided crease to be more stable and deep. She wished to have the suture technique and wanted the result to be natural-looking.
Patient 4

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This 47 year old Asian woman underwent suture technique to create a double lid crease. At one week post-op, her eyes look more open and she has more room to apply her eye makeup. As she wished, her result is minimal and very natural-looking result. She looks more like her sisters!
Patient 5

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This 34 year-old Asian woman wanted to have an upper eyelid crease, but wanted it to look natural. She was not interested in creating a Western-looking eye. She wanted more contour and less bulging of the lid.
Patient 6

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This 27 year-old woman underwent double lid creation via suture technique so that she could apply her makeup more easily. She wanted a natural result to keep her heritage.