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    Male Rhinoplasty in New York, NYC & Manhattan


    The surgery for male rhinoplasty is the same as that for women, offering the same potential benefits. This plastic surgery procedure can correct breathing difficulties while improving the nose’s shape and appearance. There are a few important differences between the sexes regarding nose job surgery, however.

    First, a man’s nasal skin tends to be thicker than a woman’s—making it potentially more difficult to see fine sculptural changes in the underlying cartilage and bone.  (Think of a carved wood table with a thin silk tablecloth versus a thick damask one.)  Skin thickness might influence the choice between open rhinoplasty and closed rhinoplasty.

    Second, men tend to have had previous nasal trauma from sports, fights, or accidents and are therefore more likely to have deviated septums or other structural issues that need to be addressed. Finally, there are important differences in desirable aesthetic outcomes of rhinoplasty or nose job surgery. While both men and women tend to want straighter noses, men do not usually want a smaller, more delicate nose. Male rhinoplasty is therefore geared to preserving a masculine look.

    One of the keys to improving a male nose without feminizing it is to pay close attention to the angle formed by the nose and upper lip. For a man, the best angle is generally around 90 degrees—a far sharper angle than would be ideal for most women. Proportions are also important. Your nose needs to make sense in profile and in exist in harmonious balance with your other features. To help your features look great from any perspective, a facial plastic surgeon in New York like Dr. Yagoda might recommend chin augmentation in addition to rhinoplasty.

    The Procedure

    Male rhinoplasty or nose job surgery can be performed in  Dr. Yagoda’s New York City/NYC/Manhattan office-based surgical facility or in a NYC hospital, under local anesthetic with IV sedation or under general anesthesia. This plastic surgery procedure takes between 45 minutes and two hours. The exact surgical technique is uniquely tailored by the plastic surgeon for each patient but most of the time, all incisions are made internally and there are no visible scars. Sometimes, an incision is made at the base of the nostrils and the incision is carefully hidden.


    You can return to work in about a week after your rhinoplasty surgery and you’ll be able to use a stationary bike or treadmill by the second week. By the third week, you can return to full activities. Although you’ll see immediate improvement, your nose’s shape and your profile will continue to refine over the next 12 to 18 months.


    Like all surgery, male rhinoplasty has certain risks including infection, bleeding, and reaction to anesthesia. Other risks include structural damage to the nose. Dr. Yagoda will discuss these potential risks as well as the benefits of this plastic surgery procedure  in full during your consultation in her New York City (NYC) office.

    To determine if you might benefit from male rhinoplasty or nose job surgery, call Dr. Yagoda today to schedule your personal comprehensive plastic surgery consultation in her New York, NY office.

    Read about Dr. Yagoda’s Male Rhinoplasty Integrative Post Operative Care Program

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