Tag Archives: tip rhinoplasty

Ho Ho Ho! Happy Holidays!

As the happiest time of the year approaches, there is one red-nosed reindeer that we all know by name….. Rudolph! Rudolph is an icon of Christmas who is allowed to have a plump, red nose: That is how he saved Christmas, after all!

However, in the beginning, even Rudolph was self conscious about his nose! If you find yourself in the same predicament, Dr. Yagoda offers a solution that can serve as the perfect holiday gift: tip rhinoplasty.

Tip rhinoplasty is a form of rhinoplasty that is done to narrow the tip of the nose; define and sculpt the tip; get rid of a bulbous tip; narrow the base of the nostrils (alar base reduction); and raise or lower the tip. And, that’s not even all! The tip can also be strengthened so that it doesn’t compress onto the upper lip when pressed upon. This option usually results in a more refined and perkier nose.

Tip rhinoplasty is a good option for those who really like — but don’t 100% love — their nose. It falls into the category of “finesse rhinoplasty,” which is defined as an enhancement to an otherwise attractive nose. If you are unhappy with your entire nose (feel it is crooked/large/etc or are having trouble breathing), then perhaps you should give yourself the gift of a full rhinoplasty. Either way, you will not be disappointed!