Tag Archives: sinusitis

Tongue Brushes and Scrapers

tongue brushes and tongue scrapersTongue brushes and scrapers can be used to treat physiologic halitosis. They are favored by halitophobic patients. The origin of physiological halitosis is often post-nasal drip, gastroesophageal reflux, or poor dental hygiene. If so, treatment for those disorders can reduce or eliminate halitosis.

But, for persistent halitosis, often coming from the back of the tongue, tongue brushing and scraping can be helpful. In addition, mouth rinses with homeopathic solutions free of alcohol, (e.g. Alkalol) can also be used. In general, mouthwashes containing alcohol are to be avoided because they increase the risk of oral cancer. And, chewing gum can produce methyl mercaptan, one of the principal components of oral malodour, leading to persistent halitosis.