Tag Archives: sleep problems

Did you know…a healthy diet likely promotes restful sleep?

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Want to increase your odds of a peaceful slumber? According to a recent study, the food you eat is linked to how well you sleep.

Researchers found that poor sleep affects the hormones that control hunger and appetite, which can lead to unhealthy food choices. Interestingly, the people who slept 7-8 hours each night ate the largest variety of food and nutrients, and the people who slept 6 hours or less consumed the lowest variety of food and nutrients. So the next time you go grocery store, you may want to consider adding “super foods” to your shopping cart.

Dr. Yagoda can diagnosis the causes of restless sleep and sleep disorders. Cure your sleeping troubles and call our NYC office today for a consultation!

Don’t you deserve a good night’s sleep?

Getting a good night's sleep and snoring

Continuing the countdown list of “SNORING ALSO CAUSES”…..there is also the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. What are you waiting for?  Use Google to search for links between Cardiovascular Disease and Snoring.  Don’t you deserve a good night’s sleep?

See Dr. Yagoda to address issues of Sleep Apnea and Snoring.

Do you have breathing problems at night?

Sleep apnea causes a person’s throat to close periodically 2throughout the night, depriving his or her body of oxygen. Researchers have now discovered that the more severe a person’s breathing problems at night, the greater the likelihood of dying from cancer. This is a monumental finding!

Read more online and be sure to ask Dr. Yagoda about treatments for sleep apnea/snoring.

For daily tips and updates Like” Dr. Yagoda’s Facebook page.

Do you have chronic sleep deprivation?

Forty million Americans suffer from chronic sleep deprivation each 5year. Now, researchers at BUSM have identifiedan important enzyme in the brain that regulates the wake-sleep cycle. This discovery could help lead to the development of more effective sleep aid medications.

If you have trouble sleeping, talk to Dr. Yagoda, as this could be a sign of a chronic condition like sleep apnea, and she can give you treatment options.

Read more about health and beauty at www.facebook.com/dryagoda

Sleep is more important than you think…

Sleep is more important than you thinkA good night’s sleep should not be taken for granted. A recent article states that Forty million people in America suffer from chronic sleep problems that not only affect your mood but also your heart and your overall well-being. You deserve to feel well-rested.

Ask Dr. Yagoda for advice on sleep disorders, snoring and apnea.

Find out more at www.facebook.com/dryagoda.