Tag Archives: tech neck

Neck wrinkles: The latest thing your smartphone does!

Yes, unfortunately, it may be true. The term “tech neck” is evolving: No longer does it just mean having the danger of hunched-over shoulders and a sore back — now it has a cosmetic meaning, too.

Numerous beauty articles are citing early-onset neck wrinkles as an unsightly effect of our technology dependence. It is hard to argue against the fact that we look down a LOT more than we used to, and it is a medical fact that excessive bending/flexing of the thin neck muscles does contribute to wrinkling. Combine the two and, well, it might be time to start looking up rather than down!

However, a wrinkly neck cannot only be blamed on smartphones; the loss of collagen and elasticity as we age is normal, and it can snowball with outside factors (sun exposure, dry atmosphere, etc) to make necks look “looser” than they are. Making sure to wear adequate sunscreen on both the face AND neck will help, and, of course, try holding your phone at eye level. It just might make all the difference.

If you already have “tech neck,” don’t worry: Dr. Yagoda is a neck expert who will have you looking good as new in no time.

Tech Neck?

Myth or Medical Miracle: Is there a “tech neck?”

Is this the newest effect of the “selfie?” Whether “tech neck” — lines and wrinkles in the neck due to constant use of a smartphone/electronic device — is real depends on who you ask. According to some, people have been “looking down” for centuries (ie, on assembly lines), so it is nothing new. However, at the very least, it seems people are more aware of their necks — which is probably due to the selfie!

As many as one in three plastic surgeons say that there has been an increase in cosmetic procedures due to collective self-awareness. Neck wrinkles and sagging skin are more obvious in high-definition, and constantly looking at a phone does not help to hide these signs of aging.

What do you think? Is “tech neck” real? Or, are we just now noticing it?