Tag Archives: lose weight

Should the “Eat at Your Own Risk of Addiction and Obesity” Attitude Still Prevail with Junk Food?

Junk food is undoubtedly linked to childhood obesity, yet big corporations market to children who are least aware of and least able to control the components of a healthy diet.  These children, are most susceptible to junk food addiction and its inherent medical risks.

Because we are in the midst of an increasing worldwide obesity health epidemic, and decreasing available funds for healthcare spending, some suggest that the government step in to regulate the junk food industry.   Should major companies should be required to stop advertising to children and to place warning labels on junk food, similar to the regulations imposed in the tobacco industry?  Or, should the “buyer beware/eat at your own risk” attitude still prevail?  What do you think?  We want to know!

Exercising the Mind Can Improve Well-Being

Eating a healthy diet and challenging your body on a daily basis certainly can improve the way you look and feel. But did you know that exercising your brain can also improve your well-being?

According to a recent study, mental training can stimulate changes not only in brain functioning, but also in the structure of the brain itself. Researchers found that people who think positive thoughts secrete hormones that help the body heal faster and function better. And, people who challenge their memory and expand their intellectual horizons, gain increased brain matter and better physical and mental function.

The Truth About Obesity Myths Exposed

Ever wonder if having sex burns a lot of calories? How about if snacking during the day is good or bad? Is losing a lot of weight quickly, worse than losing a little slowly over the long term? After looking into the common assumptions about obesity, researchers were able to differentiate fact from fiction. Read this article to learn more; a few of these might surprise you…And keep in mind that when you eat may be more important than what you eat.

Dr. Yagoda recognizes that the lifestyle that you lead contributes significantly to maintaining a healthy and beautiful body and mind. As part of her overall health philosophy, she encourages her patients to take care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally through dietary and lifestyle changes, natural, alternative and medical remedies, laser, injectables and surgery.