Tag Archives: nose

Plastic Surgery Trending….

Plastic Surgery Trending: Kate’s nose!

The “Kate Effect” of Kate Middleton has extended past clothes and jewelry and has now peaked at people copying her face! Sources say that the amount of people asking for a “cute nose like Kate” has tripled since 2011. They cite the reason behind her “perfect” nose as the angle: It is slightly upturned with just the right degree of slope. Although we are not sure her nose is the “perfect” one (everyone is different!) it definitely is VERY cute!

What does your nose say about you?

Do you have a big nose? A small 2nose? Large nostrils, small nostrils? A bump on your nose? Do you have a straight and narrow nose? Does your nose curve down and is the tip rounded? Does the bottom of your nose point up or down? Is the bottom of your nose straight?

What does your nose say about you?

Dr. Yagoda is a facial plastic surgeon who performs rhinoplasty, nose job, and revision rhinoplasty procedures in New York City.

Learn more at www.facebook.com/dryagoda