As many as one in five people suffer from tinnitus, the sensation of a noise, often high-pitched. While for some lucky ones it may be fleeting, for others the ringing can be so loud and constant that it can interfere with concentration, daily routines and sleep.
To add to the naturally effective treatments with lipoflavinoids and sound making, researchers have recently identified a psychology-based approach that has proven to provide relief for some tinnitus sufferers. This treatment is “simple, relatively brief and does not require the purchase or use of devices….”
If you or someone you know suffers from tinnitus, make an appointment with Dr. Yagoda at her New York ENT office to diagnose the cause with a hearing evaluation, physical exam, hearing test, and if need be an imaging study. Once she identifies the cause of your tinnitus, Dr. Yagoda can offer a comprehensive treatment plan including supplements, lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and medications, if necessary.