Tag Archives: ear health

Obesity causes Hearing Loss

Myth or Medical Miracle?

True!  It is a real risk. A recent study in Laryngoscope, referenced in The New York Times, showed that there is a clear connection between obesity and hearing loss in adolescents.   What doesn’t obesity cause?  Obesity affects 18.5% of American teens and is responsible for $117 billion in medical care yearly in the US alone.

But with well-known connections between obesity and heart disease, diabetes and premature death, this connection to hearing loss is a new bothersome but less life-threatening concern.  Researchers believe that inflammation in the hearing system is the cause for hearing loss.  This inflammation is associated with obesity.  They suggest that as time goes on, hearing loss may progress. Don’t lose hope though! They also believe that early weight loss can prevent the progression.

Dr. Yagoda, an otolarynologist, can evaluate you if you think you are experiencing hearing loss. She can help musicians and others protect their hearing as well.  Come in for a consultation and fuel your body with knowledge to continue hearing life’s music!

Listen Up! Your Headphones Could be Causing Hearing Loss

Did you know approximately 15 percent of Americans ages 20 to 69 have high-frequency hearing loss that may have been caused by loud noise exposure? Frequent exposure to loud sounds can wear down the hair cells of your ear’s cochlea, which can ultimately cause hearing loss or tinnitus (ringing in the ear).

Researchers claim medical and genetic factors play a role, and some people are more at risk than others. However, anything louder than 85 decibels can cause damage after extended exposure. Interestingly, sounds made by household objects such as hair dryers and kitchen blenders can go past 85 decibels. The rule to go by is if you have to raise your voice to be able talk to someone an arm’s length away. If this is the case, the nose is probably above 85 decibels.

When you consistently listen to your headphones at a high volume, you risk doing permanent damage. The good news is you can take steps now to prevent noise-induced hearing loss in the future.

Turn Off the Noise

As many as one in five people suffer from tinnitus, the sensation of a noise, often high-pitched.  While for some lucky ones it may be fleeting, for others the ringing can be so loud and constant that it can interfere with concentration, daily routines and sleep.

To add to the naturally effective treatments with lipoflavinoids and sound making, researchers have recently identified a psychology-based approach that has proven to provide relief for some tinnitus sufferers.  This treatment is “simple, relatively brief and does not require the purchase or use of devices….”

If you or someone you know suffers from tinnitus, make an appointment with Dr. Yagoda at her New York ENT office to diagnose the cause with a hearing evaluation, physical exam, hearing test, and if need be an imaging study.  Once she identifies the cause of your tinnitus, Dr. Yagoda can offer a comprehensive treatment plan including supplements, lifestyle changes, alternative therapies, and medications, if necessary.

Dangers of listening to loud music

Chris Martin from Coldplay has revealed that years of playing live has left him with tinnitus! Dr. Yagoda can help treat your tinnitus but it is important to also know how to prevent it.

When there is loud noise, use moulded filter plugs or simple earplugs. Chris Martin has been active for campaigns like Action On Hearing Loss about the potential dangers of listening to loud music. Rapper and Actor Plan B also reports symptoms of tinnitus.

Contact Dr. Yagoda for help, 212-434-1210!