Tag Archives: caution

Have you or anyone you know seen Dr. Google?

Are you looking for a good female diagnostician? It turns out many Americans are. But if you also skip your doctor’s visit and simply “google” your symptoms for diagnosis you might want to know this: according to a recent study, 35% of American adults said they went online to diagnose a medical condition for themselves or someone else. But Dr. Google is not a substitute for the real thing. While it’s cheaper than going in-network, the ultimate cost may be higher if you end up with the wrong diagnosis.

As a facial plastic surgeon and otolaryngologist, Dr. Yagoda has a full complement of tools to help her patients achieve their aesthetic and functional goals while implementing lifestyle changes that enable them to enjoy optimal health.

Flammable Sunscreen?

5With days getting longer and warmer, imany people have started planning for July 4th.

Here’s something to note:  it’s not just fireworks that can be flammable.  Be careful when applying spray sunscreens as they contain alcohol so they can become flammable.

A recent article told the story of what happened to a man who applied spray sunscreen near an open flame barbeque. Be aware, it’s not safe!

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Gel Manicures: Too Good to Be True?

Gel manicures are all the rage–but are they really safe? For those who are looking for a manicure that lasts 2-3 weeks, gel manicures have become an increasingly popular choice. These manicures differ from traditional manicures in their formulation and drying process, which involves letting each coat of polish set and harden for 30 seconds under a UV light.

Sounds great. But is it safe? Not surprisingly, if it seems too good to p6be true–it may well be. There are some safety concerns associated with these seemingly miraculous manicures. Firstly, some salons are not using “real” gel manicures, instead mixing acrylic products with powders like methyl methacrylate, a chemical that was banned as a carcinogen by the FDA!

Secondly, although there is no clinical data that directly links the use of UV lamps for nail drying to skin cancer of the hands, if you are a person who is at-risk for skin cancer, it might be wise to avoid gel manicures because of these lamps. The gel manicure treatment involves exposing your hands directly to UB light, much the way tanning beds expose your whole body to the same light. Lifetime exposure to UV rays does indeed increase the risk for developing skin cancers, and the best way to limit your risk is to limit your exposure.

Is getting a manicure that lasts a week or two extra really worth the cost (nearly double that of a regular manicure) and exposing yourself to potentially dangerous chemicals and UV rays? Think twice before gelling!

Celeb Beauty Advice: Fact or Fiction?

Celebrities may be beautiful and well-spoken, but they’re not health and beauty experts. A recent report from the non-profit organization Sense About Science discovered that many celebrities are repeating medical and cosmetic advice that is based in fiction, not fact.

It’s fun to hear what stars have to say about their beauty and health Copyright 2010 Corbis Corporationregimens. After all, they’re famous and alluring-we want to hear what tricks they’ve got up their sleeves! But it’s important to be aware that their advice may not be medically sound. From royal sister Pippa Middleton’s comment about using a cold rinse to “close the pores” of her hair and “give it a lift and shine” (hair doesn’t have pores!) to actress Juliette Lewis’s assertion that “coconut water is pretty much the most hydrating thing you can drink” (try water!) to supermodel Gisele Bundchen’s vehement hatred of “synthetic” sunscreens (even though they are rigorously tested and safe), these ladies are full of well-meaning quips for healthier lifestyles-but they’re not exactly authorities on these topics.

Before you take their advice, make sure you verify the accuracy of their recommendations with someone who is truly knowledgeable about integrative health and beauty–Dr. Michelle Yagoda, a Facial Plastic Surgeon, ENT, and co-creator of BeautyScoop. Here’s to a year of beauty and wellness!

Do You Know If Your Healthcare Provider Is Actually a Doctor?

Do you know if your Botox is given by a nurse practitioner, an aesthetician (illegal!), an OB/GYN, a dermatologist, or plastic surgeon? Does it even matter? It’s easy to get confused when you’re having a procedure. In fact, if you’re confused about who is really a doctor, you’re not the only one. I hear questions like these  every day:

  •  “Do you have to be an MD to apply peels and do laser?” (No.)
  •  “Is an otolaryngologist really an MD?” (Yes.)
  •  “Can my cosmetic dentist really do facelift surgery?” (I suppose, if you are willing to let him/her.)
  •  “Do I need to see an audiologist or an otolaryngologist for my allergies, and which one is really a doctor?” (The ENT is the MD in this case.)

You, too, may be unsure of who’s an MD and who’s not, and why it matters. According to a 2010 Pew Internet and AmeCaduceusrican Life Project, 83% of internet users are searching for medical information on-line and 59% of all US adults have looked on-line for health information.  Despite this, there is significant documentation to show that patients are confused about who is providing their health care.

In fact, according to a telephone survey of 852 adults conducted by the Global Strategy Group, 51% of those interviewed believed that it is not “…easy to identify who is a licensed medical doctor and who is not.”  For example, only 32% of those surveyed thought an Otolaryngologist is a medical doctor (I am!), yet 33% believed that an audiologist is a medical doctor (she/he is NOT)!  Similar confusion surrounded many other areas, including whether podiatrists and psychologists  were MDs.

This widespread confusion and public ignorance may well be the result of the managed care companies’ ubiquitous and interchangeable use of the term “provider.”  It leads to the public’s mistrust of the medical establishment and inhibits the public’s ability to make informed choices about their healthcare.

Knowing your provider’s background, training, experience, and expertise can help you become more comfortable and certain of your choice of medical expert. You wouldn’t want to end up with a C-section instead of a facelift!

Don’t be shy…if you’re not sure, be sure to ask. Don’t let the healthcare insurers confuse you. Get the right information and be empowered with knowledge!