Tag Archives: news

After 35 Years, She Can Speak Again!

A Kentucky woman is able to speak again after doctors operated on 9her larynx- it had been 35 years.

Embrace your voice, understand that you are unique and that your voice is your instrument- use it loudly and clearly. Above all, take care of it to the best of your ability. We only have one voice…

To ensure proper functionality, call Dr. Yagoda. She specializes in voice care and can keep you sounding beautiful.

Stay up-to-date by Liking Dr. Yagoda’s Facebook page.

Chocoholics Rejoice!

Chocoholics rejoice! A study in the New York Times showed that 2people who eat chocolate frequently (in moderation) have a lower BMI than those who do not eat chocolate as often.

There are also health benefits to chocolate  including lowering blood pressure and cardiovascular risk, improving cholesterol levels, and regulating insulin levels.

Fair Trade dark chocolate for dessert anyone?

Check out more interesting health news from Dr. Yagoda’s Facebook page.

Lawmaker Resigns After Getting a Nose Job Surgery

Nose Job news: Egyptian lawmaker, Anwar al-Balkimy, resigned 2after he fabricated a story that he was badly beaten, just to cover up that he received a cosmetic nose job procedure.

If you are considering a rhinoplasty, make sure that you ask your doctor to see “before” and “after” photos prior to signing up for rhinoplasty surgery!

“Like” Dr. Yagoda’s Facebook page to read current news and to stay up-to-date with the New York City office of Dr. Michelle Yagoda.