Category Archives: Health and Wellness

Common Beauty Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Where do you get your beauty tips?  From your mother?  Your sister?  Your friends?  How do you decipher fact from fiction?  Even if you resort to beauty magazines and blogs, it can be difficult to separate science from superstition!  Short of asking your doctor (which can be embarrassing!), how do you know if applying mayonnaise to your hair will make it glossier? Or, if rubbing your eyes will really create wrinkles? Read this article to learn about 18 commonly held beauty beliefs and discover which tips are bona fide when it comes to looking beautiful.

Dr. Yagoda practices an integrative approach to beauty because she knows that external beauty is a reflection of health and wellness.  Find out how to incorporate mind and body healing to supplement traditional aesthetic techniques to allow your inner beauty to shine through.

Exercising the Mind Can Improve Well-Being

Eating a healthy diet and challenging your body on a daily basis certainly can improve the way you look and feel. But did you know that exercising your brain can also improve your well-being?

According to a recent study, mental training can stimulate changes not only in brain functioning, but also in the structure of the brain itself. Researchers found that people who think positive thoughts secrete hormones that help the body heal faster and function better. And, people who challenge their memory and expand their intellectual horizons, gain increased brain matter and better physical and mental function.

The Truth About Obesity Myths Exposed

Ever wonder if having sex burns a lot of calories? How about if snacking during the day is good or bad? Is losing a lot of weight quickly, worse than losing a little slowly over the long term? After looking into the common assumptions about obesity, researchers were able to differentiate fact from fiction. Read this article to learn more; a few of these might surprise you…And keep in mind that when you eat may be more important than what you eat.

Dr. Yagoda recognizes that the lifestyle that you lead contributes significantly to maintaining a healthy and beautiful body and mind. As part of her overall health philosophy, she encourages her patients to take care of themselves physically, mentally and emotionally through dietary and lifestyle changes, natural, alternative and medical remedies, laser, injectables and surgery.

Bad Beauty Habits: The 7 You Need to Break

When it comes to beauty routines, who doesn’t have a bad habit? Unfortunately, some of these habits can cause more harm than good. Take a look at these 7 bad beauty habits; chances are that you’re familiar with one or more on the list. After making a few simple lifestyle changes, your hair and skin won’t know how to thank you!

Read about Dr. Yagoda’s integrative approach to beauty to achieve your functional goals while enjoying optimal health and wellness.

Have you lost that loving feeling?

© Tetra Images/Corbis

According to a recent study, the boost of happiness that occurs with marriage lasts for only for approximately two years, after which people go back their former level of happiness. Many people become “habituated” to positive circumstances and don’t sustain the same level of happiness over an extended period of time. Take time to hone your compassion skills to maintain and champion a rewarding long- term relationship.


Junk Food Linked to Asthma and Eczema in Children

As many of you know, eating processed food can lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes in adults. But you may be surprised to learn the harmful effects of junk food on children. A recent study revealed that kids who eat junk food three times a week have a higher risk of developing asthma and eczema.

Researchers studied 50 countries and found that teenagers who ate fast food such as burgers three times a week or more were 39 percent more likely to get severe asthma. Younger kids were 27 percent more at risk. It is believed that the high saturated fat levels in food such as burgers lower children’s immune systems.

Want to know what foods can protect against these diseases? Read this article to find out more.

Prevent the Flu with these 10 Natural Immune System Boosters

While many people turn to over-the-counter medication to relieve their illnesses, the answer to fighting the flu is not always in your medicine cabinet. Cold and flu prevention can be as simple as making a few lifestyle changes. By practicing healthy habits, you’ll protect yourself and those around you from getting sick. Don’t wait until it’s too late!

As an otolaryngologist, Dr. Yagoda offers her patients comprehensive diagnosis for all ear, nose, and throat conditions and provides a full spectrum of treatment options to ensure optimal health and wellness. Having an integrated approach to ear, nose, throat, voice, and facial medicine as well as beauty and aesthetics – Dr. Yagoda understands the importance of uniting mind-body connections with traditional medicine and surgery for optimal health, beauty and wellness.

Xylitol in sugar free gum prevents cavities

Myth or Medical Miracle?

Myth! Many popular brands of sugar free gum contain the natural sweetener, xylitol, which is known to fight the bacteria that causes cavities. Although there is evidence that sugar-free gum helps prevent cavities, additives such as xylitol are not responsible, according to a recent study. Interestingly, researchers found that the act of chewing gum is what reduces cavities, perhaps by increasing the secretion of saliva. But, don’t grab for the sugar-laden gum-the sugar still causes tooth-decay and no amount of chewing can deny that!

A recentNew York Times article talked about their surprising findings!

Did You Know…Not All Low Paying Jobs Are Low Stress

Is your job stressing you out? If you’re looking for a career change, you may want to consider checking out this list.

After reviewing 200 careers,>, compiled a list of the most and least stressful jobs based on 11 stress factors (i.e. environmental conditions, physical demands, travel, own life at risk, etc.) Researchers found that people with the least stressful careers were often provided with positive feedback. Under such conditions, these people were generally content. Interestingly, the opposite is true for the most stressful careers. While people with stressful jobs are typically not content, the chances are much higher that they’ll get paid more.

Would you guess a photojournalist made the least stressful or most stressful list? How about a public relations executive? What you read may surprise you.

Face the Facts: 5 Healthiest States to Live In

While Americans are dying less from cancer and heart-related conditions, more are now affected by obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and sedentary living. According to a report from the United Health Foundation and American Public Health Association, 26.2% lead sedentary lifestyles, 30.8% have hypertension, 27.8% of Americans are obese and 9.5% have diabetes. These are the 5 healthiest states to live in (with the lowest rates of obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure and sedentary living):

1. Hawaii
2. Vermont
3. Massachusetts
4. Connecticut
5. Utah

Click here to see where your state ranked.